This is the last genoise in Rose's Heavenly Cakes on my To Do List. I'm two for two in requisite height and lack of flour balls. It took the entire book but finally I no longer fear genoise.
The only source of frozen passion fruit puree in this town was at Whole Foods. I neglected to notice it was in the form of a concentrate. The curd and syrup came out way too strong because I did not realize I needed to follow Rose's special instructions for concentrate. The only way to tone it down was to turn the entire thing into a fruit basket cake with bananas, peaches, nectarines,strawberries and mango sorbet, cutting the highly acidic flavor of the passion fruit. With the hot hot hot weather we've been having I opted for a simple whipped cream topping instead of the heavier buttercream. It turned out to be the best fruit basket cake any of us have ever had. In the future, I'll pare down the concentrate but still add bananas, mango and strawberries. The combined flavors were just spectacular.
the fruit basket cake sounds wonderful and prefect for a hot summer! YAY for successful genoise!!
ReplyDeleteThis one and the Catalan salt pinch cake are my only sponges left. I'll have to keep my eye out for passion fruit puree. No Whole Foods here, but maybe Dave's Gourmet might have it. Yours sure looks tasty!
ReplyDeleteI'm sending you a virtual high-five for another successful genoise. It looks beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of a fruit basket cake, but this sounds so refreshing!
ReplyDeleteI am really jealous that it was your last génoise! They are trouble! So glad you liked this cake. I thought it was great as well. It looks delicious!!
ReplyDeleteWow--I didn't I'd ever hear you say you feared no genoise. And I'm glad to report that I can comment on your blog as long as I use my iPad and noy my computer.