I have been looking forward to making scones
more than any other recipe in
The Baking Bible.
Ever since Starbucks introduced
Mini Vanilla Scones
into our lives
we have become scone loving nutters.
My maternal and paternal great-grandparents
were from England
yet oddly, scones were never made on either side
of my family of enthusiastic bakers.
Biscuits, however, were.
Gorgeous, perfect breakfast biscuits.
For two such similar things,
I find it peculiar scones were never served with tea.
And we drink a lot of tea,
with milk and sugar.
Something that never ceases
to amuse people.
These are Flaky Cream Cheese Scones that almost weren't.
After assembling the ingredients
I was having a quick look on the Alpha FB site
and saw Tony's mention of finishing the scones
without the Raspberry Caramel sauce.
What sauce? There's sauce?
While looking for the elusive sauce, I discovered
I was all set to make the wrong scones.
Back to Trader Joe's.
Chilled butter, cream cheese, flour, sugar, baking powder,
salt and mixed dried blueberries, cherries and golden raisins.
I like this dried fruit mix at Trader Joe's.
Rose then called for softly whipped cream and honey to be
stirred in. This is a step I have never seen in any other
scone recipe and it's brilliant.
Patting the dough into a disk via a cake pan,
wrapped and chilled, they were ready for
The Bake
after slicing into wedges.
This really is an incredibly easy recipe.
So far they've been a huge hit,
and that's before the sauce.
Who could wait for sauce
with these warm out of the oven?
Should have made the sauce first!
Pureed reduced raspberry syrup with creamy caramel mixture.
Stirred together they make a wonderful drizzle.
Folded into whipped cream,
well in what we have come to expect
as typical Rose fashion,
it takes these scones right over the top.
I feel quite accomplished
being able to turn out a flaky scone
along side all my favorite
British shows.
I have a long history of
scone envy.
I was once told the secret to making a
good scone is cold hands.
With Rose's recipe,
that is luckily not a requirement.
The leftover raspberry caramel whipped cream
is excellent frozen.
A light, fluffy, ice cream.