This month's Avid Bakers Challenge was Evie Lieb's Processor Challah in Flo Braker's Baking for All Occasions. It is no secret I am yeast phobic. Hanaa rightly thought this recipe would be the perfect bread recipe for a novice. And it was!
I honestly do not think I have enjoyed making anything as much as I did this bread. The recipe itself was unbelievably simple with the food processor doing nearly all the work. The dough bent a new 11 cup Cuisinart bread blade and did make the machine jump around. Perhaps the KitchenAid dough hook would work better.
The few minutes of kneading was just enough for me to understand how bread dough could become positively addicting. Tucking it to rise inside a ziplock bag proved great fun for the granddaughters. Seeing it quickly inflate was mesmerizing. I watched a few youtube clips on braiding Challah and settled on a very simple three strand braid. Next time I'll go for four. And judging by the family's enthusiasm for this Challah, there will be more loaves in the future.